They appear in a forest at night, and James and Snape start dueling. Before they all disapparate elsewhere, Lily Evans sees them. Upon seeing Snape, James challenges him to a duel. Some time before, the Marauders – James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew – were in the same bar celebrating their graduation from Hogwarts. The stranger asks Snape about his story, which he then tells. Severus Snape is enjoying a drink in a Muggle pub when a stranger, whose face is covered, joins him. The fan film caught the attention of BuzzFeed, Entertainment Weekly, Time, Elite Daily, Business Insider, The Huffington Post, IGN, Seventeen, Moviepilot, MTV, BBC America, PopSugar, The Independent, and The Mary Sue. It officially premiered on March 1, 2016, at the YouTube channel Broad Strokes Productions. Severus Snape and the Marauders is a 2016 American short film written by director Justin Zagri, based on Harry Potter characters by J.